🔋 Leveling


Leveling is the primary way for the pets to earn Aspect Points to upgrade their Stats.

Global leveling settings located in the leveling.yml config file.


  • Downgrade. Allows XP go negative and therefore downgrade pet level.

  • Disable Worlds. Worlds, where mobs produces no XP for pets.

  • Death Penalty. Set XP % to remove from pet on death.

  • Abuse Protection. Prevent XP drop from mobs spawned by eggs, spawners, etc.

  • XP Table. Create custom XP tables with MythicMobs support.

  • XP Drop Chance. Set XP drop chance for custom XP tables.

  • Initial XP. Set initial amount of XP requried for the next level based on Pet Tier.

  • XP Modifier. Set XP modifier used to calculate required XP based on previous level's value and Pet Tier.

  • Max Level. Set max. possible level based on Pet Tier.


  • Final XP amount depends on the damage dealt by the pet. 30% damage of total health = 30% of XP amount.

Setup Tips

Toggle Feature

To enable or disable the Leveling feature, go to the config.yml and set Features -> Leveling on false or true

Disable XP Tables

You can disable usage of custom XP tables by setting the Use_Custom_XP_Table setting on false in the leveling.yml.

This will use "natural" XP amount dropped by killed mobs.

Amount of dropped XP orbs is reduced by amount gained by the pet.

Creating XP Tables

You can create your own XP tables for specific mobs in the leveling.yml -> XPSources section.

You can use Vanilla mob names (2nd column) or MythicMobs ones (all in lower case).

  mythic_mobs: # Table identifier. Must be unique!
    Amount: # Amount of dropped XP.
      Min: 30
      Max: 70
    Chance: 70.0 # Chance to drop XP.
    - skeletonking
    - skeletal_minion
      Min: 20
      Max: 60
    Chance: 50.0
    - zombie
    - spider
    - skeleton

Disable Death Penalty

To disable XP death penalty, go to the leveling.yml and set the Death_XP_Loss on 0.

Disable Downgrade

To disable the Downgrade feature, go to the leveling.yml and set the Downgrade_Allowed on false.

Set Max Level

To edit max. level for all pets of specific tier, go to the Pet Tier configuration(s) and edit the Leveling -> Max_Level value.

Set Initial XP & Modifier

To edit initial XP amount and XP modifier for all pets of specific tier, go to the Pet Tier configuration(s) and edit the Leveling -> Start_Exp and XPModifier values.

Last updated