🪚 Job States

With ExcellentJobs you can create primary and secondary jobs for your players!

Primary jobs produces maximum of possible income and rewards without limits.

Secondary jobs generally have a lower max. possible level and therefore produces less rewards and income.


  • Set max. amount of primary jobs for players depends on their rank / permissions.

  • Set max. amount of secondary jobs for players depends on their rank / permissions.

  • Set which states are allowed for each job!

  • Set initial state for each job for new players, aka force give jobs to new players!

Give Jobs to New Players

You can make new players to join certain (or all) jobs automatically on first join!

This setting will have effect on existent players for newly created jobs as well!

Keep in mind that this setting bypasses amount of primary / secondary jobs allowed for a player.

Setup Steps:

  1. Go to /jobs/ directory inside ExcellentJobs folder.

  2. Select a job, and open its folder.

  3. Open the settings.yml config file.

  4. Search for Initial_State option.

  5. Set it to one of the following states: INACTIVE, PRIMARY, SECONDARY

  6. Save the file and reload the plugin with /jobs reload.

  7. Done!

Setup Jobs Amount

By default players can have as many primary / secondary jobs as they want.

If you want to change that:

  1. Go to ExcellentJobs directory and open the config.yml

  2. Scroll down to Jobs -> Primary_Amount or Secondary_Amount section.

  3. Read comments and configure the options to your own preferences.

  4. Save the config and reload the plugin with /jobs reload.

  5. Done!

Example of unlimited primary jobs:

  Mode: RANK
  Permission_Prefix: excellentjobs.jobs.primary.
  Default_Value: -1
    default: -1 # This is not even necessary

Example of limited primary jobs by rank:

  Mode: RANK
  Permission_Prefix: excellentjobs.jobs.primary.
  Default_Value: 3 # regular players will have 3 primary jobs
    vip: 4 # Players with 'vip' permission group will have 4 primary jobs.
    gold: 5 # the same as above, but 'gold' group.
    premium: 6 # the same as above, but 'premium' group.

Example of limited primary jobs by permissions:

  Permission_Prefix: excellentjobs.jobs.primary.
  Default_Value: 3 # regular players will have 3 primary jobs
    vip: 4 # Players having 'excellentjobs.jobs.primary.vip' permission will have 4 primary jobs.
    gold: 5 # the same as above, but 'excellentjobs.jobs.primary.gold' permission
    premium:6  # the same as above, but 'excellentjobs.jobs.primary.premium' permission

Setup Job States

By default players can take any job as primary or secondary one, as well as leave any joined job.

You can restrict certain jobs from being taken as primary / secondary ones, or even to prevent players from leaving them!

To do that:

  1. Go to /jobs/ directory inside ExcellentJobs folder.

  2. Select a job, and open its folder.

  3. Open the settings.yml config file.

  4. Search for Allowed_States option.

  5. Remove or add the following state(s): INACTIVE, PRIMARY, SECONDARY

  6. Save the file and reload the plugin with /jobs reload.

  7. Done!

You can remove the INACTIVE state from Allowed_States. This will prevent players from leaving that job.

Removing certain states from Allowed_States option will not affect players that already have jobs with that states.

Last updated