🪙 Multi-Currency

ExcellentJobs allows you to use multiple different currencies as job rewards, payments and more!

You must have at least one currency plugin installed for the ExcellentJobs to work!

Supported Currencies

Since v1.7.3 ExcellentJobs uses EconomyBridge library for currency handling.

Please refer HERE for a list of supported plugins and available currencies.

To use a currency in ExcellentJobs configuration, you have to know their identifiers (see link above).

If you're unsure that you're using correct identifier, or if the currency is hooked successfully, simply do check the plugin startup logs. You should see something like this:

[EconomyBridge] Registered currency: money
[EconomyBridge] Registered currency: coinsengine_gems
[EconomyBridge] Registered currency: coinsengine_coins

Currency Settings

Some currencies has a few customization options available in the config.yml -> Currency section.

If you don't see a currency there (e.g. CoinsEngine), then it uses settings from their own configuration provided by their plugin.

Last updated