⛺ Claims


With ExcellentClaims you can claim world's chunks, where the whole chunk including Y axis is protected.

Chunk claims are designed for players to protect their lands and buildings. However, it's also possible to use them as admin claims.

Chunk Bounds

You can display chunk bounds indicating free or claimed chunks by using the /land bounds command.

With default config you'll see oak fence posts on chunk corners, where bigger ones means the chunk you are in, and smaller ones are for all nearby chunks.

Each chunk borders has it's own color:

  • Green = The chunk you own or a member of.

  • Orange = The chunk is claimed by other player.

  • White = The chunk is free and can be claimed.

Use this tool to find free chunks for claiming, check your claim bounds and detect any neighbors.


Claiming chunks is very simple!

  1. Stay inside a chunk you want to claim.

  2. Make sure it's free (not claimed) and you have chunks to claim.

  3. Run /land claim command.

  4. Done!


Using command:

  1. Stay inside a claim.

  2. Run /land unclaim command.

  3. Done!

Using GUI:

  1. Open a GUI with all your claims: /land list

  2. Click a claim you want to remove.

  3. Click on Remove Claim button.

  4. Done!


Manage claim settings is also simple!

Using command:

  1. Stay inside a chunk you want to manage.

  2. Run /land settings command.

  3. A GUI will popup with all available settings.

Using GUI:

  1. Open a GUI with all your claims: /land list

  2. Click a claim you want to manage.

  3. A GUI will popup with all available settings.


Merging is useful tool to organize your claims and share the same settings and members between mutiple chunks.

Merging will remove your one claim to merge it with another one.

Members and flags of the merged claim will be transferred into the target claim.

Using command:

  1. Stay inside a claimed chunk you want to merge into other claim.

  2. Run /land merge command.

  3. A Merge Tool will be added to your inventory.

  4. Click with that tool on any block inside a claim where you want to merge current claim.

  5. Done!

Using GUI:

  1. Open a GUI with all your claims: /land list

  2. Click a claim you want to manage.

  3. A GUI will popup with all available settings.

  4. Click on Merge Claim button.

  5. A Merge Tool will be added to your inventory.

  6. Click with that tool on any block inside a claim where you want to merge current claim.

  7. Done!


Similar to Merging, you can separate certain chunks of your claim as dedicated claims.

Using command:

  1. Stay inside your own claim.

  2. Run /land separate command.

  3. A Separate Tool will be added to your inventory.

  4. Click with that tool on any block inside a chunk that you want to separate.

  5. Done!

Using GUI:

  1. Open a GUI with all your claims: /land list

  2. Click a claim you want to manage.

  3. A GUI will popup with all available settings.

  4. Click on Separate Claim button.

  5. A Separate Tool will be added to your inventory.

  6. Click with that tool on any block inside a chunk that you want to separate.

  7. Done!

Last updated