🏰 Regions


With ExcellentClaims you can create protected areas (regions) in a shape of cuboid and with an arbitrary size.

Regions are designed for admins to protect certain server areas, such as spawn, shop, etc. However, it's also possible to give this tool for players.

Visual Selection

When selection region area, all cuboid corners and their connections will be highlighted with light blue color. When selected area overlaps with other regions or claimed chunks, or if there is any regions inside selection, they will be highlighted too, but with red color.

This should help you in region creation to make sure if certain regions are inside others, or if regions do not overlap accidiently.


Creating regions is simple!

  1. Run /region wand command.

  2. A Region Wand tool will be added to your inventory.

  3. Select lowest (LMB) and highest one (RMB) positions.

  4. Run /region claim <name> command. Where <name> is region name.


Using command:

  1. Run /region remove <name> command. Where <name> is region name to remove.

  2. Done!

Using GUI:

  1. Open a GUI with all regions: /region list or /region listall

  2. Click a region you want to remove.

  3. Click on Remove Claim button.

  4. Done!


Manage region settings is also simple!

Using command:

  1. Stay inside a region you want to manage.

  2. Run /region settings command or /region settings <name>.

  3. A GUI will popup with all available settings.

Using GUI:

  1. Open a GUI with all regions: /region list or /region listall

  2. Click a region you want to manage.

  3. A GUI will popup with all available settings.

Last updated