🔌 Getting Started


  • Java Version: 21 or newer.

  • Server Software: Spigot, Paper, Pufferfish, Purpur

  • Server Version: 1.21.1

  • REQUIRED nightcore (latest release)

  • OPTIONAL ProtocolLib or packetevents (recommended) - for enchantment description tooltip.

Modded server software (Mohist, Forge) are not supported.

Multi-threaded server software (MultiPaper, Folia) are not supported yet.


  1. Download the plugin and all required plugins.

  2. Put ExcellentEnchants.jar in /plugins/ folder.

  3. Start or reboot your server (do not use /reload or PlugMan).

  4. Check console and make sure plugin is loaded without errors.


Always do a backup of your world(s) before updating the plugin and make sure to test new versions before put it in production.

Enchantments have to be registered on server startup before world loading, so the server knows that new enchantments exists.

If the plugin fails to load or some enchantments are not registered properly (you will see errors in console) all items in loaded chunks and from loaded plugins will lose new enchantments forever!

This is just how the game/server works, so backup your worlds to prevent data loss.

Last updated