⛔ Permissions

Permissions are listed in a parent-children tree. Giving access to parent permission will give access to all child permissions as well.

  • excellentenchants.* - Access to all the plugin functions.

    • excellentenchants.command.* - Access to all the plugin commands.

      • excellentenchants.command.book - Access to /eenchants book command.

      • excellentenchants.command.enchant - Access to /eenchants enchant command.

      • excellentenchants.command.disenchant - Access to /eenchants disenchant command.

      • excellentenchants.command.getfuel - Access to /eenchants getfuel command.

      • excellentenchants.command.list - Access to /eenchants list command.

      • excellentenchants.command.list.others - Access to /eenchants list command on other players.

      • excellentenchants.command.raritybook - Access to /eenchants raritybook command.

      • excellentenchants.command.reload - Access to /eenchants reload command.

Last updated