🪓 Creating Shop

Using Commands

Create shops with a simple command:

  1. Place a chest or a valid container.

  2. (Optionally) Take an item in hand that you want to use in your shop.

  3. Look at container and type /cshop create [buyPrice] [sellPrice]. (Only if step #2 is completed) Replace [buyPrice] and [sellPrice] with your buy and sell price values.

  4. Done. You just created a chest shop!

Using Items

Alternatively, you can create shops by placing special item(s) defined in the config.

To enable this feature go to /chest_shop/settings.yml and set ItemCreation -> Enabled on true.

Every item must be bound to a certain container type. By default there are items for Chests, Barrels and all variants of Shulker Boxes. Feel free to edit them and add more items!

When shop created by item is removed, a shop item used in creation will be dropped.

Creation Steps:

  1. Get shop item using the command: /cshop giveitem <player> <type>

  2. Place it on the ground.

  3. Done. Shop created!

Shop Management

You can easily change your shop's setting with a simple GUI by right-clicking the shop when sneaking (aka Shift + Right-Click).

Last updated