📄 Commands

The main plugin command name can be changed in the config.yml. By default it's excellentshop or eshop.

[] - Optional, <> - Required

Flag -s will make silent command execution (target player won't be notified).

Flag -f will perform a command bypassing all possible restrictions.

Main Plugin

  • /eshop [help] - List of all plugin commands.

  • /eshop reload - Reload the plugin and all modules.

  • /eshop currency - Currency management.

    • /eshop currency create <name> - Create a new item currency (you must hold an item).

    • /eshop currency give <currency> <player> <amount> - Give certain currency to a player.

    • /eshop currency remove <currency> <player> <amount> - Remove certain currency off a player.

Virtual Shop

The main module command name can be changed in the config.yml. By default it's virtualshop, or vshop.

  • /vshop open <shop> [player] (-f) - Open specified shop.

  • /vshop menu [player] (-f) - Open menu with virtual shops.

  • /vshop editor - Open GUI editor.

  • /vshop reload - Reload the Virtual Shop module.

The following commands are standalone and have fully customizable aliases in the Virtual Shop settings.yml.

  • /sellgui [player] - Open Sell GUI.

  • /sellall [player] [-s] - Quickly sell inventory.

  • /sellhand [player] - Quickly sell hand item.

  • /shop [shop] - Quick access to the main menu or specified shop.

Chest Shop

The main module command name can be changed in the config.yml. By default it's chestshop or cshop.

  • /chestshop create [buyPrice] [sellPrice] - Create a new shop in a container you're looking at.

  • /chestshop remove - Removes shop from the container you're looking at.

  • /chestshop give <player> <type> - Give shop creation item.

  • /chestshop open - Open shop's container inventory.

  • /chestshop bank [player] - Open [player's] bank.

  • /chestshop list [player] - Open GUI with player's shops.

  • /chestshop browse - Open player shops GUI.

  • /chestshop reload - Reload the Chest Shop module.


The main module command name can be changed in the config.yml. By default it's auction, auc, or ah.

  • /auction [help] - Display a list of all Auction commands.

  • /auction reload - Reload the Auction (with configs and database).

  • /auction expired [player] (-f) - Open a GUI with expired listings.

  • /auction history [player] (-f) - Open a GUI with sales history.

  • /auction open [player] (-f) - Open main Auction GUI.

  • /auction sell <price> - Add item you hold on the Auction for specified price.

  • /auction selling [player] (-f) - Open a GUI with active listings.

  • /auction unclaimed [player] (-f) - Open a GUI with unclaimed items.

Last updated