🪛 Developer API

Global Events


Called when player purchases or sells an item in a shop.

The event is not cancellable, however you can cancel the transaction itself (make sure to send custom error message):


To determine which shop is used in transaction, you can use instanceof:

event.getShop() instanceof VirtualShop // Virtual Shop transaction.
event.getShop() instanceof ChestShop // Chest Shop transaction.

Virtual Shop

Get module instance:

VirtualShopModule module = ShopAPI.getVirtualShop()
if (module != null) {
  // Do something.
  // This may return null if module is disabled in the config.

Get shop by ID:

StaticShop staticShop = module.getStaticShopById(id); // Search for static shops only.
RotatingShop rotatingShop = module.getRotatingShopById(id); // Search for rotating shops only.
VirtualShop shop = module.getShopById(id); // Search for all, static and rotating, shops.

Get product by ItemStack:

Get the most profitable product for purchase for the given ItemStack:

VirtualProduct product = module.getBestProductFor(player, item, TradeType.BUY);

Get the most profitable product for selling for the given ItemStack:

VirtualProduct product = module.getBestProductFor(player, item, TradeType.SELL);

This method does not includes products that can not be bought or sold by given player.

Chest Shop


Called when player is about to create a new chest shop. Cancellable.


Called when player is about to remove a chest shop. Cancellable.

Get module instance:

ChestShopModule module = ShopAPI.getChestShop()
if (module != null) {
  // Do something.
  // This may return null if module is disabled in the config.

Get all shops:

Collection<ChestShop> shops = module.getShops();

Get shops created by a player:

Set<ChestShop> shops = module.getShops(player);

Get shop by block or location:

ChestShop shop = module.getShop(block);
ChestShop shop = module.getShop(location);

Last updated