⏳ Reward Win Limits

In ExcellentCrates you can set how many times a certain reward can be won globally and on per-player basis!


Every reward can have global and/or per-player win limits. Every limit type has the following options:

  • Enabled - Sets whether or not limit is enabled.

  • Amount - Sets amount of possible reward wins.

  • Cooldown - Sets reward win cooldown.

  • Cooldown Step - Defines the interval of wins to apply Cooldown. 1 = Cooldown after each win, 2 = Cooldown after every 2 wins, etc.

If there is both, player and global, limits in a reward, the smallest Amount and greatest Cooldown are used to determine if player can win that reward.

Example #1: Player has personal limit for 5 wins, but globally there is only 3 wins available, then player can't win more than 3.

Example #2: Player has personal cooldown expired 2 hours ago, but globally there is still 4 hours cooldown left, then player have to wait until global limit is expired.

Last updated