🔖 Placeholders


  • %excellentcrates_keys_[crateId]% - Amount of keys a player has for specific crate.

  • %excellentcrates_openings_[crateId]% - Amount of crate openings by a player.

  • %excellentcrates_cooldown_[crateId]% - Time left before player can open a crate again.

  • %excellentcrates_next_milestone_openings_[crateId]% - Amount of openings left to get the next milestone of a crate.

  • %excellentcrates_next_milestone_reward_[crateId]% - Reward name of the next milestone of a crate.

Replace [crateId] with a crate unique identifier (equals to the crate file name).

Placeholders in reward items

You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders in reward's item name and lore. They will be replaced when the reward is given to a player.

You need to enable it in the config: PlaceholderAPI_For_Rewards: true and per each reward using GUI editor.

Internal Placeholders

Player Placeholders

  • %player_name% - Player name.

  • %player_display_name% - Player display (custom) name.

Crate Placeholders

  • %crate_id% - Crate unique identifier (file name).

  • %crate_name% - Crate display name.

  • %crate_permission% - Crate permission node.

  • %crate_open_cooldown% - Formatted open cooldown time.

  • %crate_open_cost% - Formatted open costs.

  • %crate_last_opener% - Display name of the latest player that opened the crate.

  • %crate_last_reward% - Display name of the latest reward rolled in the crate.

Key Placeholders

  • %key_id% - Key unique identifier (file name).

  • %key_name% - Key display name.

  • %key_virtual% - Displays if key is virtual key.

Reward Placeholders

  • %reward_id% - Reward unique identifier.

  • %reward_name% - Reward display name.

  • %reward_weight% - Reward weight.

  • %reward_roll_chance% - Reward roll chance.

  • %reward_rarity_name% - Display name of the reward's rarity.

  • %reward_rarity_weight% - Weight value of the reward's rarity.

  • %reward_rarity_roll_chance% - Roll chance of the reward's rarity.

  • %reward_preview_name% - Display name of the reward's preview item.

  • %reward_preview_lore% - Lore of the reward's preview item.

Last updated