❓ Common Questions

How do I change name/lore/enchants of crate/key item?

You have to use extra plugin to customize your items before adding them as crates/keys/rewards.

There is no easy way in ExcellentCrates to edit items, it's not the primary plugin function.

How do I remove chances/rarities from the preview?

Edit preview GUI configs in the /previews/ directory by removing corresponding lore lines/placeholders.

How do I give crates/keys for playtime?

You can't. There is no such feature.

How do I put crates/keys in kits?

Attach crate/key give commands to your kit. This is the best and recommended option. We do not recommend to put direct crate/key items to your kits because they may become broken or invalid for a lot of reasons.

How do I give crates/keys for voting?

Just the crate/key give commands in your voting plugin/setup. NOTE: Player name placeholders in give commands depends on YOUR vote plugin, NOT the crates one. Don't blame ExcellentCrates if it can't process command that was run by your voting plugin with incorrect placeholders.

Can you add support for XYZ holograms plugin?

Just use one of packet library plugins.

How do I edit/create hologram templates?

config.yml -> Crate -> Holograms -> Templates

How do I force players to hold keys to open crates?

config.yml -> Hold_Key_To_Open

How do I skip opening animations?
  1. Open crates using the Mass Open key you set in config.yml -> Click_Actions.

  2. Edit the Max_Ticks_To_Skip setting in /openingsv2/ configs.

Ho do I disable Milestones completely?

config.yml -> Milestones -> Enabled: false

Last updated